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Survey Dashboard

Under Create & Send you now have a section for creating and sending surveys, but what does everything on the dashboard mean? Well I'm glad you asked!

Your survey dashboard is the first screen you see when you click on the Surveys header and there is a lot of information here. You'll see a list of every survey you've created that hasn't been archived.

Survey dashboard 1If you want to filter the amount of surveys you see in this list you can do so with the filters at the top of the list. You can use search bar to look for a specific survey. the date fields to show only surveys edited within a particular date range and the status drop down box to show only surveys that are either Active or Closed. There is also an Archive toggle that, when clicked, will show you all of your archived surveys.

Survey dashboard 2

When you create a survey you have the option from within the editor to distribute it from there, which will take you straight to the email editor with a button pre set to link to the survey. You can read more about doing that here.

From the dashboard if you click the down arrow on the left-hand side of a record you can see the email history for this survey.

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As with the email dashboard, if an email has has a green icon, then the email has been sent and can no longer be edited. Clicking on this record will take you straight through to the report analytics for that email. If the icon is grey, then the email is still in its draft stage and you can click this record to go back into the email editor.

If you click the Linked QR Code button you'll see any QR codes that are currently linked to your survey and clicking on a record here will take you though to the QR Code details screen for that code.

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Next to the survey title there is a preview button. Clicking this will open up the survey in a new tab of your browser, so you can see how it will appear to your participants. Please be aware that results entered in this preview are recorded.

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The next two columns on the dashboard are the Created and Modified dates which are self explanatory. 

The next column is the Status column and you'll have a drop down box where you can set a survey as Active or Closed. Once a survey is closed you will no longer be able to copy the survey URL or distribute the survey from the dashboard. Anyone that already has the URL or an email with a link will no longer be able to access the survey.

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The next two columns are also self explanatory as they show the number of questions in the survey as well as the number of responses received so far.

From the dashboard if you want to edit the survey you can do that by clicking anywhere on the record or by clicking the Edit button. 

If you click the Distribute button here, you'll be taken straight through to the email editor with a draft email to send out that includes a button, pre loaded with a link to your survey.

Results is also self explanatory. Clicking this button will take you through to the results screen of your survey. For more information on the results screen, click here.

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The next icon is a link button and clicking this will copy the URL for your survey  to your clipboard so that you can use it in other communications. 

Finally, on the far right of the record are three dots and under this menu are options to preview (which does the same thing as the preview button mentioned above), rename your survey or create a copy.

The last two options are to archive your survey (doing this will automatically mark your survey as Closed if it hasn't been done already.) and Delete. If you have used the Distribute buttons to send an email with the link to your survey then this Delete option will be greyed out and unavailable.

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From the list of archived surveys the Archive button will instead say Unarchive.

You can find more information on the survey suite on the links below!

Creating a Survey

Changing the style of a survey

Applying logic to a survey

Send out a survey

Survey Results