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How to change the style of a survey

So, you've created a survey and you're ready to send it out, however you want to change the style of the survey to more closely match your branding. How do you go about that?

When you go into your survey one of the options at the top is Themes. By default your survey will be in Light Mode with the Plain theme, however you can change this to suit your preferences on the right hand side. You can also choose if you want your questions to be in boxes or not.

Survey Themes 1

In the Header section you will have basic options by default where you can alter the settings of the survey title and description and decide if you want the logo you've added to the title to be on the left or right side of the title.

If you click Advanced you'll have a lot more options to choose from including setting a background colour. You are able to add a custom colour here and while there is a drop down box with some colours pre set, if you instead click on the pipette on the left of the drop down box you're able to enter the hex reference to pick a specific colour.

Survey theme header background colour picker.


Alternatively, you can upload a background image to have in the header and you can set its opacity so that the title and description you have for your survey.

The next section is for the background of the survey itself, not just the header and again you can set the entire background to be a particular colour, with some pre set colours available as well as the pipette to add a specific hex reference.

You're also able to add a background image to sit behind the questions, and set its opacity so that it doesn't overshadow the questions.

Finally, there is the Appearance section which dictates some changes that will apply to the entire survey. Here you are able to change the opacity of the question panels and change the font and font size for the writing in the survey. It is worth noting that if you had changed the font family and size in the header section, then making changes in the Appearance section won't overwrite that.

When previewing the survey to make sure it looks how you want it to, make sure you click the icon in the top corner that looks like a computer. If you click this button you'll get a list of other devices so you can simulate how your survey will look on them.

Survey device preview

For more information on surveys, check out the following links!

Creating a survey

Applying Logic to a survey

Send out a survey

Survey results

Survey dashboard