Sending content to Teams Channels
Did you know that in NewZapp you're able to send messages to Teams Channels within your organisation?
Connecting NewZapp to your Teams Account
To do this log into NewZapp with your Microsoft Account and select the Teams option under Create & Send. The first thing you'll be asked to do is connect NewZapp to your Teams account which is why you need to be logged in with your Microsoft Account rather than with a Username and Password.
Click the Connect to MS Teams button and you'll get this screen. You'll need to contact your IT Team to make sure they grant NewZapp permission to connect with Teams.
Adding a Teams Channel
Once your Teams permission has been authorised, you will need to connect a Teams Channel which you can do with the + symbol in the top left. You'll then be asked to select a Team and you'll also be able to see if any channels in that team have already been selected. In my screenshot below.
Click on Choose Channels and a panel will open up from the right hand side where can tick a box for each channel you'd like to connect. Once you're happy with your selection, Click Save Changes.
Sending a Post to Teams.
Once your channels are all set up, its time to send your first post!
Select the channel you'd like to send to and click New Post. This will open up a window where you can select from your previously posted content, whether that's an email, landing page or survey. Select the content you want and click Send Content.
On the next screen you'll need to add a title for this post with the option to add a Subtitle and a Message along with it if you'd like. You also have the option to add a custom image for the post as well, by clicking on the cloud icon in the Image URL field. This will open up your NewZapp image library where you can select an image.
Once you're done, click Post!
This will now show in the list of posts on that Channel in NewZapp and every time someone clicks the link in Teams to open the post, the Open counter in the top corner will increase.
Notifications in Teams
When you send a post to Teams your colleagues might not see it if they don't have their notifications switched on. This is done on a user by user basis on each Teams Channel.
To get the notifications, the readers will simply need to right click on the channel they want notifications for, select Channel Notifications and change the setting for All new posts.
If you have any questions about sending posts to Teams feel free to reach out to your account manager or email