How do you know who's opened my email and when?
One of the features inside NewZapp's reporting suite is the ability to see who has opened an email campaign and when.
To do this go click on the Reports header and select the Email or Landing page that you want to query from the list on the left.
Now select the Data sub header.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the screen you'll see a grid which has the details of everyone that your email campaign has been sent to. Including who has and hasn't opened it.
If you only want to see the people who have opened you can select the Unique Opens section in Campaign Summary and this will update the results at the bottom of the screen.
You can also use this to see recipients who haven't opened the email, recipients where the email has bounced, and recipients where the email has failed to send.
Once you've got the data you need at the bottom of the screen, you can use the Export Contacts option under the Actions menu to export a CSV file with this data on which you can then provide to a colleague who doesn't have access to NewZapp.